Our Expertise

Our Expertise

young woman of color sitting on bed depressed looking off into the distance


As we maneuver life’s map we all experience disappointments & loss. That feeling of sadness, physical and/or mental pain in response to life events; is how we know we are alive. However, if you are experiencing prolonged and intense feelings of sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness or possibly thinking of harming your self you are likely experiencing clinical depression.

Anxiety Disorders

The human experience is filled with twist and turns. Feelings of anxiety is our brain’s way of reacting to stress and keeping us on high alert for potential danger.  We all experience that dry mouth, before a public speaking engagement or the fluttering in your stomach when your spouse “wants to talk”. However, if you find you are experiencing persistent stress and uneasiness about daily situations such as going to the store, driving or socializing with others you may have an anxiety disorder.

anxiety business professional nervous before presentation at podium

Bipolar Disorder

The human experience can be a roller coaster and as a passenger we are strapped in. We indulge in the wonderful feeling of finally reaching a peak where we can get a grand view of all there is to see. However, with out notice we suddenly find ourselves being plunged to what awaits below, hoping that once we hit rock bottom there is no where to go, but up. The feelings associated with life’s “ups” and “downs” are normal and unavoidable. However, if you are experiencing cycles of feeling so “high” and so “low” that you find it difficult to maintain personal relationships, succeed professionally or academically you may be experiencing bipolar disorder.

bipolar woman face displaying different extreme of emotions
Insomnia, tired Caucasian woman sitting in bed tired


“Whatever helps you sleep at night” a witty comment used in conversation, but for some a stressful question they spend hours every night trying to figure out. Almost anything can cause an occasional night of tossing and turning: pain, a snoring spouse, situational stress or even excitement. Sleepless nights are often infrequent as their causes quickly resolve. However, if you find that your sleepless nights have turned life into one long day or you lay awake at night stressed about losing sleep, you may be experiencing insomnia.