The Holistic Approach: Integrative Medicine
Integrative Medicine
Dr. Moore utilizes the Metamorphosis approach to design all treatment plans. Our client centered method of psychiatric care incorporates integrative medicine because at Metamorphosis we believe the key to transformative mental health care is to treat the whole person. Wellness is about more than the diagnoses and treatment of disease, one must acknowledge the connection between mind, body, and spirit.
What is Integrative Medicine?
Integrative medicine is a healing-oriented approach to medicine that considers the whole person, including all aspects of lifestyle. This approach to medicine emphasizes the importance of a healthy therapeutic relationship between the provider and client, is informed by evidence, and makes use of appropriate therapies.
Integrative medicine is not a replacement for traditional psychiatric medical practices. Dr. Moore “integrates” conventional approaches and complementary therapies to promote optimal mental health and wellness. During treatment planning you and Dr. Moore will discuss therapies that she believes you will gain the most benefit from.
Selecting The Right Complementary Therapy
Dr. Moore recognizes that you are an individual rather than a diagnosis. As with medication selection, complementary therapies are not a one size fits all approach. As your psychcierge, she takes the time to get to know you and only makes therapy recommendations after conducting an executive psychiatric interview.
During the executive interview you and Dr. Moore will discuss your physical and mental health history, as well as your life story and current mental health concerns and symptoms. She will also ask about your goals for treatment, and will collaborate with you to design a personalized treatment plan. Your treatment plan may include complementary therapies such as:
Mental Wellness Retreat
Sleep hygiene schedule
Lifestyle adjustments
Expressive therapy (ex. journal writing, art)
Recommendations for body manipulation practices (ex. massage)
Recommendations for mind-body techniques (ex. yoga, meditation)
Will I Benefit form Integrative Medicine Practices?
Adding a complementary therapy to your treatment plan can only enhance the therapeutic process. Holistic practices are great adjuncts to conventional medicine because they are very safe with minimal risks. Complementary therapies support mental wellness by reducing stress and promoting a state of relaxation, that leads to better health. Dr. Moore finds that integrative medicine practices keep her clients engaged in their own mental wellness. At Metamorphosis you are an equal partner in your treatment process. As your psychcierge Dr. Moore wants you to feel empowered to take control of your transformation.
Dr. Moore is dedicated to helping her clients live a life of mental prosperity, and looks forward to meeting you. Begin your psychcierge lifestyle by requesting a consultation today.